

Hi team,

Please see below the completed Home Loan Application form data:

Page 1

Applicant 1  
Number of applicant(s): {numberOfApplicantS}
Are you an Orange Credit Union member? {areYouAnOrangeCreditUnionMember1}
Member number {memberNumber1}
Title {title1}
First Name {firstName1}
Middle Name {middleName1}
Last Name {lastName1}
Email address {emailAddress1}
Mobile number {mobileNumber1}
How did you hear about us? {howDidYouHearAboutUs1}


Applicant 2  
Are you an Orange Credit Union member? {areYouAnOrangeCreditUnionMember2}
Member number {memberNumber2}
Title {title2}
First Name {firstName2}
Middle Name {middleName2}
Last Name {lastName2}
Email address {emailAddress2}
Mobile number {mobileNumber2}


Page 2 - Loan details

Field Answer
Loan purpose {loanPurpose}
Further details {furtherDetails}
Why are you looking to refinance? {whyAreYouLookingToRefinance}
Current interest rate (%) {currentInterestRate}
Loan amount required {loanAmountRequired}
Preferred repayment term in years {preferredRepaymentTermInYears}
Preferred repayment frequency {preferredRepaymentFrequency}
Street Address {streetAddress}
State {statelist}
Loan amount {loanAmount}
Is this loan predominantly or wholly for business or commercial purposes? {isThisLoanPredominantlyOrWhollyForBusinessOrCommercialPurposes}
Are there any changes to your future financial circumstances that you are aware of that may affect your ability to repay the loan? {areThereAnyChangesToYourFutureFinancialCircumstancesThatYouAreAwareOfThatMayAffectYourAbilityToRepayTheLoan}
Loan Features  
Rate type {rateType}
Repayment type {repaymentType}
Offset Account {offsetAccount}
Redraw {redraw}


Page 3 - Application's Personal Details

Field Answer
Applicant 1 Personal Details  
Date of birth {dateOfBirth1}
Driver's Licence number {driversLicenceNumber1}
Marital status {maritalStatus1}
Number of dependent children {numberOfDependentChildren1}
Age of dependent children {ageOfDependentChildren1}
Current residential status {currentResidentialStatus1}
Current residential address  
Street number and name {streetNumberAndName1}
Suburb/Town {suburbTown1}
State {state1}
Postcode {postcode1}
Number of months at current address {numberOfMonthsAtCurrentAddress1}
Previous address {previousAddress1}
Employment and income details  
Primary income source {primaryIncomeSource1}
Job title {jobTitle1}
Employer/business name {employerbusinessName1}
Employer address {employerAddress1}
Employer state {employerState1}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber1}
Years of employment {yearsOfEmployment1}
Start date of employment {startDateOfEmployment1}
Annual gross income from this employment {annualGrossIncomeFromThisEmployment1}
Do you have any additional income? {doYouHaveAnyAdditionalIncome1}
Additional Income  
Monthly rental income {monthlyRentalIncome1}
Monthly child maintenance {monthlyChildMaintenance1}
Monthly Centrelink benefits {monthlyCentrelinkBenefits1}
Any other monthly income {anyOtherMonthlyIncome1}
Applicant 2 Personal Details  
Primary income source {primaryIncomeSource2}
Job title {jobTitle2}
Employer/business name {employerbusinessName2}
Employer address {employerAddress2}
Employer State {employerState2}
Employer phone number {employerPhoneNumber2}
Years of employment {yearsOfEmployment2}
Start date of employment {startDateOfEmployment2}
Annual gross income from this employment {annualGrossIncomeFromThisEmployment2}
Do you have any additional income? {doYouHaveAnyAdditionalIncome2}
Monthly rental income {monthlyRentalIncome2}
Monthly child maintenance {monthlyChildMaintenance2}
Monthly Centrelink benefits {monthlyCentrelinkBenefits2}
Any other monthly income {anyOtherMonthlyIncome2}


Page 4 - Tell us about the things you own

Field Answer
Do you have any of the following? {doYouHaveAnyOfTheFollowing}
Property address {propertyAddress}
Value {value1}
Add another property? {addAnotherProperty}
Property address {propertyAddress2}
Name of insurer {nameOfInsurer2}
Value {value2}
Year {year2}
Make {make}
Model {model}
Year {year3}
Value {value3}
Add another vehicle? {addAnotherVehicle}
Make {make2}
Model {model2}
Value {value4}
Financial Institution/s: {financialInstitutions}
Balance {balanceofsavings}
Please enter the value of your shares {pleaseEnterTheValueOfYourShares}
Institution {institution}
Balance {balanceofsupperannuation}
If you click on Other, please specify: {ifYouClickOnOtherPleaseSpecify}


Page 5 - Tell us about the things you owe

Field Answer
Do you owe any of the following: {tellUsAboutTheThingsYouOwe}
Mortgage 1 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {financialInstitution1}
Repayment {repayment1}
Repayment frequency {repaymentFrequency1}
Balance {balance1}
Remaining term {remainingTerm1}
Add another mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage1}
Mortgage 2 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {mortgagefinancialInstitution2}
Repayment {repayment2}
Repayment frequency {repaymentFrequency2}
Balance {balance2}
Remaining term {remainingTerm2}
Add another mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage2}
Mortgage 3 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {mortgagefinancialInstitution3}
Repayment {repayment3}
Repayment frequency {repaymentFrequency3}
Balance {balance3}
Remaining term {remainingTerm3}
Add another mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage3}
Mortgage 4 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {mortgagefinancialInstitution4}
Repayment {repayment4}
Repayment frequency {repaymentFrequency4}
Balance {balance4}
Remaining term {remainingTerm4}
Add another mortgage? {addAnotherMortgage4}
Mortgage 5 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {mortgagefinancialInstitution5}
Repayment {repayment5}
Repayment frequency {repaymentFrequency5}
Balance {balance5}
Remaining term {remainingTerm5}
Rent/Board 1 - Copy of rental agreement required  
Real Estate / Landlord {realEstateLandlord1}
Amount {amountofrent1}
Frequency {rentfrequency1}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard1}
Rent/Board 2 - Copy of rental agreement required  
Real Estate / Landlord {realEstateLandlord2}
Amount {amountofrent2}
Frequency {rentfrequency2}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard2}
Rent/Board 3 - Copy of rental agreement required  
Real Estate / Landlord {realEstateLandlord3}
Amount {amountofrent3}
Frequency {rentfrequency3}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard3}
Rent/Board 4 - Copy of rental agreement required  
Real Estate / Landlord {realEstateLandlord4}
Amount {amountofrent4}
Frequency {rentfrequency4}
Add another Rent/Board? {addAnotherRentBoard4}
Rent/Board 5 - Copy of rental agreement required  
Real Estate / Landlord {realEstateLandlord5}
Amount {amountofrent5}
Frequency {rentfrequency5}
Personal Loan 1 - Copy of statement required  
Financial institution {financialInstitutionpersonalloan1}
Repayment {personalloanrepayment1}
Repayment frequency {personalloanrepaymentFrequency1}
Balance {personalloanbalance1}
Remaining term {personalloanremainingTerm1}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan1}
Personal Loan 2 - Copy of statement required  
Financial institution {personalloanfinancialInstitution2}
Repayment {personalloanrepayment2}
Repayment frequency {personalloanrepaymentFrequency2}
Balance {personalloanbalance2}
Remaining term {personalloanremainingTerm2}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan2}
Personal Loan 3 - Copy of statement required  
Financial institution {personalloanfinancialInstitution3}
Repayment {personalloanrepayment3}
Repayment frequency {personalloanrepaymentFrequency3}
Balance {personalloanbalance3}
Remaining term {personalloanremainingTerm3}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan3}
Personal Loan 4 - Copy of statement required  
Financial institution {personalloanfinancialInstitution4}
Repayment {personalloanrepayment4}
Repayment frequency {personalloanrepaymentFrequency4}
Balance {personalloanbalance4}
Remaining term {personalloanremainingTerm4}
Add another Personal Loan? {addAnotherPersonalLoan4}
Personal Loan 5 - Copy of statement required  
Financial institution {personalloanfinancialInstitution5}
Repayment {personalloanrepayment5}
Repayment frequency {personalloanrepaymentFrequency5}
Balance {personalloanbalance5}
Remaining term {personalloanremainingTerm5}
Novated Car Lease - Copy of statement required  
Financial institution {carleasefinancialInstitution}
Repayment {carleaserepayment}
Repayment frequency {carleaserepaymentFrequency}
Balance {carleasebalance}
Credit Card & BNPL  
Credit Card 1 - Copy of statement showing credit limit required  
Financial institution {creditcard1financialInstitution}
Balance {creditcard1balance}
Limit {creditcard1limit}
Add another Credit Card? {addAnotherCreditCard1}
Credit Card 2 - Copy of statement showing credit limit required  
Financial institution {creditcard2financialInstitution}
Balance {creditcard2balance}
Limit {creditcard2limit}
Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) 1 - Afterpay, Zip Pay etc.  
Institution {BNPL1institution}
Balance {BNPL1balance}
Add another BNPL? {addAnotherBNPL1}
Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) 2 - Afterpay, Zip Pay etc.  
Institution {bnpl2institution}
Balance {bnpl2balance}
HECS/HELP debt - Copy of assessment required  
Please enter your outstanding debt balance {HECSHELPdebt}
Child Support - Copy of assessment required  
Please enter the amount of child support you pay {ChildSupport}
Payment Frequency {paymentFrequency}
Guarantor Mortgage 1 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {guarantor1financialInstitution}
Repayment {guarantor1repayment}
Repayment frequency {guarantor1repaymentFrequency}
Balance {guarantor1balance}
Remaining term {guarantor1remainingTerm}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgageguarantor1}
Guarantor Mortgage 2 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {guarantor2financialInstitution}
Repayment {guarantor2repayment}
Repayment frequency {guarantor2repaymentFrequency}
Balance {guarantor2balance}
Remaining term {guarantor2remainingTerm}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgageguarantor2}
Guarantor Mortgage 3 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {financialInstitutionguarantor3}
Repayment {guarantor3repayment}
Repayment frequency {guarantor3repaymentFrequency}
Balance {guarantor3balance}
Remaining term {guarantor3remainingTerm}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgageguarantor3}
Guarantor Mortgage 4 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {guarantor4financialInstitution}
Repayment {guarantor4repayment}
Repayment frequency {guarantor4repaymentFrequency}
Balance {guarantor4balance}
Remaining term {guarantor4remainingTerm}
Add another Mortgage? {addAnotherMortgageguarantor4}
Guarantor Mortgage 5 - Mortgage statement required  
Financial institution {guarantor5financialInstitution}
Repayment {guarantor5repayment}
Repayment frequency {guarantor5repaymentFrequency}
Balance {guarantor5balance}
Remaining term {guarantor5remainingTerm}
Other {other1}
Other amount {otherAmount}


Page 6 - Additional information

Field Answer
Total average monthly living expenses  
Monthly living expenses {monthlyLivingExpenses}
Are you a guarantor for any loan? {areYouAGuarantorForAnyLoan}
Financial Institution {guarantorfinancialInstitution}
Balance {balance}
Remaining term {remainingTerm}
Have you been self employed in the past 5 years? {haveYouBeenSelfEmployedInThePast5Years}
More information {moreInformation}
Have any applicants had any bankruptcy, legal proceedings, judgements, etc, in the last 5 years? {haveAnyApplicantsHadAnyBankruptcyLegalProceedingsJudgementsEtcInTheLast5Years}
If yes, please give details {ifYesGiveDetails}
Please provide any other information that will help us process your application {pleaseProvideAnyOtherInformationThatWillHelpUsProcessYourApplication}
What products would you like?  
Which accounts would you like to use in your membership with us? {whichAccountsWouldYouLikeToUseInYourMembershipWithUs}
Which access channels would you like for your membership? {whichAccessChannelsWouldYouLikeForYourMembership}


Page 7 - Declaration

CAUTION: As per the National Credit Code, you could face potential legal consequences if you provide any inaccurate or deceptive information that significantly impacts Orange Credit Union's decision regarding the approval of this application.

I/We declare that the information given in this application is true, correct and complete.

I/We authorise the Orange Credit Union to make any relevant enquiries into the information mentioned, my employer or any other credit provider.

I/We acknowledge that a credit report will be obtained.

By applying for membership you agree to acquire a member share in the Credit Union. You are not required to pay anything for the member share. Membership confers rights and obligations under the Credit Union’s Constitution, a copy of which you can view on our website.

For new members: I/we hereby apply for a Share in the Credit Union to become a member of the Credit Union. I/we understand that by becoming a member I/we are bound by the Credit Union's constitution as governed by the Corporation's Act, and as altered from time to time.

For the purposes of the Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth), all account and signatory information provided to the Credit Union on this form will apply to all accounts which may be held by the applicant with the Credit Union unless otherwise specified. It is an offence under the Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism Financing Act 2006 (Cth) to make a false or misleading statement.

Please review the Account Access Term & Conditions and Fees & Charges documentation prior to opening an account with Orange Credit Union.

Field Answer
I declare that I have read and agree to be bound by the declaration contained above and have reviewed the relevant disclosure documents. {declaration2}
I consent to receiving documents about your application and, if approved, the letter of offer, terms and conditions, loan statements and future notices or documents as required by law via email and other electronic methods. {iconsent}